This story
has been updated: 14 Aug 2013
In November last year, whilst on air, I got a random tweet from a man called Davinder Misra who wanted to know if I might use his West Byfleet-based taxi service.
I replied, possibly a bit flippantly, that it depended on whether he had any good stories to tell.
Davinder said something like "oh I've got a story to tell alright".
I took his number, we spoke on the phone and I went to see him.
I also spoke to Alan Bates, the man who runs the
Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance, then I took the story to my boss at
BBC Surrey and my colleagues at
Inside Out South. Nearly three months later on Mon 7 Feb 2011, we broadcast the above piece on BBC 1 South.
If you can't view it,
a transcript of the film can be found here.
On the same day the television piece went out we broadcast a radio programme focussing on the story on the
BBC Surrey Breakfast Show. Have a listen...
A friend of mine is a subpostmaster who has had her contract terminated by the Post Office because of a supposed shortage which connot be explained. Her contract was terminated before any investigations were done - contrary to what Ms Vennells assures is the procedure.
ReplyDeleteI am so incensed by the injustice of this - my friend has been absolutely devastated and she is one of the most honest and decent people I have ever met.
I have done my own research on the internet and have a file of articles I have found. There are certain more cases than anyone could imagine. My friend's case has never appeared on the internet and that does suggest that there are MANY more cases out there.
I would really like someone to challenge Ms Vennells on what "robust" actually means....if she means that it is infallible then any computer expert would challenge on those ground....if she means it is a "good" system but not infallible then she needs to asking what it is that sometimes goes wrong and looking to put it right.
I firmly believe that the subpostmaster contract acts as a disincentive to rigorous investigate in these matters - and that is NOT justice!
ReplyDeletejoanne from bolton i have just read your account about post office and i to am in court over alledgedly taking 3545 pounds i am not a postmistress but a counter clerk who worked on their own behind the counter i was accoused of 3 differrent amounts and now they have settled on a figure which is accountable for the problems of this figure started when my horizon system whent down and the new system was ready to be installed.
ReplyDeletefor 10 years i have done this job and never had a problem i have followed the post office ways and suddenly i am accussed .
the good thing about this item is i dont feel alone and i no others can relate to what is happening to me but it is staff as well that can be accussed and not just postmasters/mistresses espesially if the post master /mistress leaves there bussiness to your running.
ReplyDeleteI thought I was the only one too.
ReplyDeleteThe whole thing is a big nightmare. Your engineers recive little or no training. They are forced to work through an umbrella company called intelligent umbrella who is specified by a company called Touch Logistics. If you look at the directors of these companies and Provincial logistic and others, they are all a con and tax dodge. The whole Post Office has been sold down the line
ReplyDeleteBeen there done that and got the bloody t shirt!! Pleaded guilty to theft and two counts of false accounting on advice of barrister to avoid custodial sentance. Lost the business and home, had two years unemployment and only finally got a job on a much lower salary through a friend of a friend. Still paying the fine and compensation. Will be til im dead i guess. Living in rented house, no chance of a morgtage! Wife and family stuck by me which is the most important thing, despite our child being relentlesly harassed and bullied at school. About time post office admitted there must be something wrong with Horizon!!!! We cant all be theives.
ReplyDeleteLike many software programmes they are invariably prone to glitches as per Microsoft has an ever lasting service patches and crashes, unless of course the HORIZON (Fujitsu) is written in a open source programme like LINUX with JAVA etc Then again Post Office Ltd (POL)is beyond reproach like any public undertakings while itself bleeds taxpayer’s money in the region of £40Million+ annually without any impunity of course, most absurd. What a sick joke to public purse under incompetent POL
ReplyDeleteIt happened to us 2 years ago - we were audited and found to be £2700 down, suspended without pay for 5 weeks. We eventually got the Post Office back but only after agreeing to pay them the £2700 which had disappeared into Cyber space !! They weren't interested in anything other than getting the money, I spent hours trawling through paperwork and felt sure it was down to cash withdrawals - the system was forever going down and when people came into withdraw money we had to keep trying until it was successful - but how could I prove it ?? Without intensive knowledge of the Horizon system and the way the system 'talks' to other banks when transactions are made, you don't stand a chance. We now find ourselves in a situation again - £2600 short on scratchcards !! There appears to be some issue between Camelot and the Post Office - Camelot people take back packs of scratchcards, which are supposed to then come off the Post Office system - but is this working ? We can find no explanation for this loss, and I cannot see how they could have been stolen. This time we have refused to pay the money until a proper investigation takes place. We would be very interested to hear from other subpost masters who have experienced similar issues with Camelot scratch cards - it was apparent from talking to the Post Office that there are other Post masters out there experiencing the same problems !
ReplyDeleteWouldn’t It Nice To Run A Post Office, Dear?
ReplyDeleteThe Members of The Board have you working nine to six
And disregard your calls when the accounts start playing tricks
You wrestle with the figures late each night to seek some gain
Little knowing this is pointless, that you will be held to blame.
The Members of The Board say the system is robust
A computer saying ‘no’ is always faultless, right and just
They’ll never answer questions, you’ll abide by them and it
But truth to tell they’re hiding and the system isn’t fit.
The Members of The Board have you living in a cell
Abuse of powers and contract flaws have sent you straight to hell
Your house has gone, your money too, your family’s in despair
The managers now have bonuses and live without a care.
The Members of The Board flag a well-loved public face
And hide behind a symbol of Her Majesty, Her Grace
They are Post Office Limited, A British Institution
Government-owned but left alone to dabble in prosecution.
The Members of The Board can dismiss what’s wrong or right
Freedom to an open purse facilitates their unchecked might
Thus previous subpostmasters, named criminal, made poor
Are consumed by POL the predator, the wolf outside their door.
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